New conditionality in Australian social security policy

New conditionality in Australian social security policy
Author/editor: Taylor D, Gray, M & Stanton, D
Published in (Monograph or Journal): Australian Journal of Social Issues
Year published: 2016
Volume no.: 15
Issue no.: 1
Page no.: 3-25


The past two decades have witnessed the application of new forms of conditionality to Australian social security policy. This paper argues that a distinctive feature has been the attempt to link receipt of government benefits to parental behaviour in order to address concerns about the welfare of children. With a view to providing a framework that can help to inform debates regarding the merits of these new forms of conditionality, this paper outlines the historical antecedents and philosophical framework of new conditionality. The paper also examines three pertinent Australian social security initiatives: the Maternity Immunisation Allowance, the Improving School Enrolment and Attendance through Welfare Reform Measure, and Compulsory Income Management. The paper concludes with some consideration of the potential pitfalls of new conditionality.

Keywords: social security, welfare, conditionality, rights, behaviour change

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