Life in Australia: Replicating the European social survey
Analysis of survey responses to the same questions asked in Australia and Europe were presented at this webinar on Monday 20 February 2023. The Australian National University (ANU) replicated items from the European Social Survey (ESS) though its Social Research Centre’s probability-based panel, Life in Australia. 163 questions included in Round 9 (2018/19) of the ESS were fielded on the Australian panel between 17 February and 2 March 2020.
Ben Edwards and Nicholas Biddle (ANU) discussed the COVID-19 Impact Monitoring Program and the role ESS measures of social trust, social contact and income played in its formation.
Julie Lee (University of Western Australia) and Hester van Herk (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) presented analysis of responses to the human values scale section of the survey fielded in Australia, the Netherlands and the UK.
Ruxandra Comanaru (City, University of London) assessed data collected via Life in Australia and the ESS to compare attitudes in Australia and the UK on a range of topics. The event was chaired by the ESS Director, Professor Rory Fitzgerald (City, University of London).