Superannuation retirement balances: The effect of taxation and superannuation guarantee policies.

Superannuation retirement balances: The effect of taxation and superannuation guarantee policies.

In this paper we investigate the impact on retirement balances from various relevant policy changes, such as the effects of changes to the Superannuation Guarantee.

To investigate the impact of these policy changes we use a dynamic version of the ANU PolicyMod microsimulation model and consider the distribution of expected retirement balances for various age groups for both males and females.

PolicyMod is a microsimulation model of the Australian Tax and Transfer system developed by ANU’s Centre for Social Research and Methods. The model is capable of modelling most aspects of the Australia personal income taxation and welfare system including the current and alternative policy settings. The model is based on ABS survey data and uses a range of other data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics and other government departments to improve the accuracy and timeliness of the model. The model is a static model in that the model considers the impact of policy on the ‘day after’ meaning that the model does not attempt to model behavior changes that may result from policy changes.

To better study the Australian superannuation system, we incorporate information from a matched sample of the Australian Census of Population and Housing to dynamically simulate lifecycle changes to income level, labour force status, marital status and home ownership status from a baseline state based on various demographic characteristics.


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Mr Richard Webster


Helen Taylor


Updated:  24 February 2023/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications