Determinants of COVID-19 vaccination and views of parents about vaccination of children in Australia: August 2021

Determinants of COVID-19 vaccination  and views of parents about vaccination of  children in Australia: August 2021
Author/editor: Biddle, N, Edwards, B, Gray, M & Sollis, K
Year published: 2021


This paper provides the first detailed, publicly available analysis of the socioeconomic and attitudinal determinants of COVID-19 vaccination amongst both Australian adults and Australian parents’ views about vaccinating their children in the future. The analysis is based on the August 2021 wave of the ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods’ COVID-19 Impact Monitoring survey program. We find important demographic and socioeconomic predictors of vaccine uptake. Vaccination rates are lower for those who have relatively low levels of education, those who speak a language other than English, those who live outside of New South Wales, and those who have a relatively low household income. Other groups that continue to have low rates of vaccination are those who have a low fear of infection; those experiencing psychological distress; those who have low confidence in state/territory governments; and those who report being very religious. The survey data also shows that the willingness of Australians to get vaccinated has increased since August 2020 and April 2021. Hesitancy has declined for those who haven’t been vaccinated, with 93.9 per cent of Australians either already vaccinated or willing to get vaccinated. In regards to vaccinating children, 42.5 per cent of parents and carers reported they would definitely vaccinate children in their household, 36.3 per cent would probably get their child vaccinated, 11.4 per cent would probably not get their child vaccinated and 9.8 per cent would definitely not get their child vaccinated. The analysis found that there are key groups who would be less likely to get their child vaccinated. This includes mothers/female carers, those who are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, those who speak a language other than English, those with low education, and those who live in disadvantaged areas. These findings have important implications for the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Australia

Updated:  10 September 2021/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications