It’s the economy (and housing), stupid: Views of Australians on the economy and the housing market in January 2024

It’s the economy (and housing), stupid: Views of Australians on the economy and the housing market in January 2024
Author/editor: Biddle, N, Gray, M, Phillips, B
Year published: 2024


This paper summarises recent public opinion data on views on the economy, as well as experience and views on the housing market. It is based on data from the January 2024 ANUpoll as well as historic ANUpoll data to show that compared to almost any time during the pandemic or immediately beforehand, Australians are more financially stressed. They are also less satisfied with the direction of the country, and less satisfied with their own life. However, Australians are still more confident in the Federal government compared to during the Black Summer bushfires or just prior to the last election, but there has been a decline since the peak achieved by the Albanese government just after that election. Some of this decline appears to be due to the changing housing market, with Australians experiencing greater housing payment stress, being less satisfied with their housing situation, and there has been an increase in the level of concern about being able to ever own their own home. A key finding from the analysis is that Australians are less likely to think that home ownership matters a lot to Australia’s way of life.

Updated:  7 May 2024/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications