Review of NT Code of Practice for Responsible Gambling

Review of NT Code of Practice for Responsible Gambling
Author/editor: Paterson, M, Gray, M, Leslie, P, Whitty, M, Lethborg, A & Pennay, S.
Year published: 2020


This report presents the findings of the review of the Northern Territory (NT) Code of Practice for Responsible Gambling 2016 (the Code) conducted by the Australian National University for the NT Government.

The NT Code of Practice for Responsible Gambling sets out minimum requirements that gambling providers are mandated to implement to reduce harms associated with gambling in the NT. The Code includes harm minimisation measures across 10 different  ategories. Gambling operators must implement and comply with these measures as part of their licensee conditions. The review involved venue observations, a survey of gambling venue staff, depth interviews with venue staff, depth interviews with NT Government compliance officers and a public submission process.

The review found that the NT Code is one of the more comprehensive of the Australian codes, with several of the measures included in the NT Code absent from some of the other state and territory codes.

Overall, the review revealed a significant level of venue noncompliance with the Code. There was also considerable variability in the implementation of measures in venues that were compliant. These findings point to a lack of adequate enforcement of the Code, as well as significant issues with training and implementation.

Updated:  14 January 2020/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications