The role of government: Australian and international views on what government should do

The role of government: Australian and international views on what government should do
Author/editor: Biddle, N, Gray, M and Sheppard, J
Year published: 2019
Issue no.: 4


This paper uses data from the 26th ANUPoll, conducted in August 2018, to analyse opinion about a range of roles that government could be responsible for, who should deliver services and who should pay for them. Australians generally think that the government has an important role to play in many aspects of society, with the greatest support for health care for the sick, controlling Australia’s borders and supporting the elderly.

The lowest level of support was for providing a decent standard of living for the unemployed, providing a job for everyone who wants one and providing decent housing. Some comparisons are also made between Australian attitudes and those in selected other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries, as well as how attitudes vary within the Australian population.

Nicholas Biddle is the Associate Director of the Centre for Social Research & Methods (CSRM), Research School of Social Sciences, College of Arts & Social Sciences, Australian National University.

Matthew Gray is the Director of CSRM.

Jillian Sheppard is a Lecturer in the School of Politics and International Relations, College of Arts & Social Sciences, Australian National University.

Updated:  18 July 2019/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications