Social class in Australia

Social class in Australia
Year published: 2015


The 19th ANUpoll - Social class in Australia: Beyond the 'working' and 'middle' classes - reveals a greater stratification in Australian society than we might otherwise have thought. Almost all Australians perceive themselves as being from either the working or middle class of society. However, ANUpoll findings indicate that Australian society is best explained by five classes, instead of just those two.

The poll also confirms some of the usual assumptions regarding class. The way we perceive our class membership aligns closely with what our economic, cultural and social capital says about us. We are aware of how what we have and what we do can shape our place in society.

The study also confirms that class defines our society less than it does British society. Based on these findings, it is easier for Australians to move between classes from one generation to another, and to advance beyond the financial and social positions of our parents and grandparents. We do not rely so heavily on inherited class status in determining our own positions.


Updated:  7 October 2024/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications