In the media

Academic staff and research scholars constantly provide media commentaries.
Professor Naomi Priest, Teacher Feature- Professor Naomi Priest, Narragunnawali News, 12 Oct 2021.
Associate Professor Nick Biddle, Census 2016: Indigenous population in NSW and Victoria doubles, Canberra Times, 1 Sep 2017.
Associate Professor Nicholas Biddle and Dr Jill Sheppard , In 2017, Australians are still a weird mob even if we divide into six classes, , 26 Aug 2017.
Associate Professor Nicholas Biddle and Dr Jill Sheppard, Australia’s six social classes: which one are you?, , 23 Aug 2017.
Naomi Priest and Nicholas Biddle, The verdict on domestic violence data and the Church: Believe the women, ABC, 21 Aug 2017.
Associate Professor Nicholas Biddle , Census 2016 reveals Australia is becoming much more diverse – but can we trust the data?, The Conversation , 27 Jul 2017.
Dr Naomi Priest, Associate Professor Nicholas Biddle and Ms Mandy Yap , Domestic violence and Australian churches: why the current data have limitations, The Conversation , 24 Jul 2017.
Associate Professor Nicholas Biddle and Mr Francis Markam , What income inequality looks like across Australia, The Conversation , 6 Jul 2017.
Associate Professor Nicholas Biddle , Census 2016: indigenous people return to pre-settlement numbers, The Australian , 28 Jun 2017.
Associate Professor Ben Phililps, FactCheck: was Christian Porter right about welfare spending and income tax?, The Conversation , 26 Jun 2017.
Mr Rob Bray, Minimum wage up but households still falling behind, The Conversation , 3 Jun 2017.
Associate Professor Nicholas Biddle, Budget Forum 2017: A Budget That Invests in Evidence?, Tax and Transfer Policy Institute Blog , 12 May 2017.
Associate Professor Nicholas Biddle , Canberra parents donate $3.5 million to public schools, The Canberra Times, 7 May 2017.
Emeritus Professor Toni Makkai, Allowing pill testing at the Spilt Milk festival would be a big win for public health, The Guardian , 26 Apr 2017.


Updated:  5 September 2017/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications