2019 ACT Gambling Survey

2019 ACT Gambling Survey

Final Report

October 2019: Read the final 2019 ACT Gambling Survey (1.9MB PDF)

The Survey

The ACT Gambling Prevalence Survey is a telephone survey run every 5 years to assist the ACT Gambling and Racing Commission’s monitoring of the social and economic impacts of gambling in the ACT.

The purpose of gambling prevalence surveys in the ACT is:

  1. to update information about gambling and problem gambling for comparison with previous surveys and other jurisdictions;
  2. to assist the government’s monitoring of the social and economic impacts of gambling; and
  3. to provide a valuable resource to tackle significant academic and social research questions.

The 2019 ACT Gambling Survey interviewed 10,000 ACT residents over the age of 18.  

The Social Research Centre conducted the phone interviews (using both mobile and landline numbers).  

The survey ran from 1st April- 24th May. 

Research ethics

The ethical aspects of this research have been approved by the ANU Human Research Ethics Committee. If you have any concerns or complaints about how this research has been conducted, please contact:
Ethics Manager,
ANU Human Research Ethics Committee,
Australian National University.
E: Human.Ethics.Officer@anu.edu.au
T: 02 6125 3427

Updated:  11 June 2020/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications