Past projects

Past projects

Talking About Gambling (TAG) Project

The overarching aim of the TAG project was to see if a community driven, digital health promotion campaign could reduce gambling related harm in NSW Aboriginal communities. This project was a partnership between the NSW Aboriginal Safe Gambling Service, ThinkPlace, Menzies School of Health Research and the ANUs Centre for Gambling Research. The project was funded by the NSW Government Office of Responsible Gambling.


Gambling and the Australian Defence Force

Currently there is limited research into the level of gambling harm experienced by Australian Defence Force personnel. There were two main parts to this project: to conduct an extensive literature review and Australian and International literature; and to develop an animation based on the review to highlight evidence gaps. This research was funded by the ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences.


2019 ACT Gambling Survey

The ACT Gambling Survey is a large telephone survey run every 5 years to assist the ACT Gambling and Racing Commission’s monitoring of the social and economic impacts of gambling in the ACT.

This project is funded by the ACT Gambling and Racing Commission. 

For project website see 2019 ACT Gambling Survey


Gambling Support Study

This project will investigate the extent and type of gambling harm partners of people with gambling problems experience and assess their service needs. The aim is to develop an evidence based digital infographic for support network use. The primary outcome being to attract female clients to engage with relevant services.

 We expect that this research will improve understandings of how females experience indirect harms from gambling and are affected by a significant others gambling. We hope that this understanding will provide better information to service providers on how to create greater awareness of relevant services. This will ultimately lead to increased numbers of women seeking appropriate support.

If you have any questions about this project, or are interested in participating, please contact the Project Manager, Megan Bailey at,  or visit the Facebook Project Page @ Gambling Support Study.

The NSW Government Responsible Gambling 2019 Grants Program funds this research.

Partners in the project include: Relationships Australia, Anglicare

Read more on the Gambling Support Study Project Page.


Evaluation of the Northern Territory Code of Practice for Responsible Gambling

The Northern Territory Code of Practice for Responsible Gambling is a mandatory code designed to guide best practice in the provision of responsible gambling practices by gambling operators in the NT. The Code was mandated in 2006 and subjected to revision in 2015. Gambling providers in the NT are required to demonstrate implementation and compliance with the Code and keep appropriate records to achieve the stated outcomes.

This project is a mixed-method evaluation of the Code of Practice. 

Contact ANU Centre for Gambling Research for further details

Read more on the Review of NT Code of PRactice for Responsible Gambling


Gambling in Indigenous communities in the Northern Territory (NT Gambling Project)

Gambling is an issue that is increasingly reported, both anecdotally and through research, as having significant negative impacts on Indigenous individuals, families and communities in the Northern Territory. Rates of gambling problems are much higher in the Indigenous population compared to the non-Indigenous population.

The project pilots a health promotion initiative in three remote Indigenous communities in the NT.  The health promotion activity is then evaluated. 

The project is funded by the Northern Territory Government. 

Partners in the project include: Amity Community Services Inc., Menzies School of Health Research

Further information is available on the NT Gambling Project page.


Trajectories of social and economic factors in relation to problem gambling risk in Australia: A longitudinal analysis

This study of gambling risk in Australia makes use of the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey, the first nationally representative longitudinal study of households in Australia to track the lives of people and their experience with gambling and gambling related harm. 

For Working Paper see: HILDA Working Paper 9/2018


Informing targeted interventions for people experiencing gambling harms in the ACT - 2018

The findings from this report provide significant insight into the ways interventions designed to reduce gambling harm can be targeted using a public health approach.

Find full report: Targeted Interventions Report (PDF)

Key findings:

  • Gambling harms were most likely to be identifiable in personal contexts, by partners, close family or friends;
  • Gambling harms were also likely to be identifiable within gambling venues;
  • People experiencing gambling harms were generally resistant to intervention, whether it was from a close personal contact, a service provider, or venue staff- however, this report has identified close family and friends as the most acceptable source of intervention for gamblers;
  • Co-occurring mental health, alcohol and other drug issues were common among people experiencing gambling harms, as was poor physical health;
  • People experiencing gambling harms do not tend to seek help, and/or only do so when their problems are extreme and impacting on others.

Overall, the findings suggest that interventions should be responsive to the experiences and understandings of people who are at risk of, or experiencing gambling harm.


Gambling expenditure in the ACT - 2009/2014

Two reports on gambling expenditure in the ACT (2009 and 2014) are available for download. In 2014, people with gambling problems accounted for nearly half of all ACT losses. Overall, the reports found that gambling revenue is not drawn equally from groups in the community.

Download the reports: 2014 Report (PDF 3.08 MB)     2009 Report (PDF 2.22 MB)


Preventive interventions for problem gambling: A public health perspective - 2015

The study, a literature review, explores the evolution of the public health model particularly relating to problem gambling. Prevention approaches and frameworks developed for other related health and wellbeing problems are considered and their relevance and potential application in the problem gambling field discussed. 

Summary of findings: Preventive Interventions: summary of findings[PDF 344.5KB]

See full report: Preventive Interventions for problem gambling - Final Report [PDF 1.7MB]


2014 Survey on Gambling, Health and Wellbeing in the ACT

The ACT Gambling and Racing Commission contracted The Australian National University’s Centre for Gambling Research to undertake a comprehensive study of gambling and problem gambling in the ACT. The 2014 Survey on Gambling, Health and Wellbeing in the ACT surveyed 7,068 ACT residents in late 2014 and early 2015 and reports in detail on the prevalence of gambling in the Territory.

The study found that participation in gambling activities has continued to fall over the last decade and total gambling expenditure fell by 19% from 2009 to 2014. However, the number of respondents reporting risky gambling behaviours did not decrease as much, as an estimated 0.4% of the population were problem gamblers (0.5% in 2009), 1.1% were moderate risk (1.5% in 2009), and 3.9% were low risk (up from 3.4% in 2009). Less than 10% of people ever having gambling problems had ever received professional help for issues related to their gambling with a further 5% trying unsuccessfully to get help and 5% wanting but not trying to access help.


Understanding the Self-Exclusion Process in the ACT

This study recruited people with varying degrees of experience with self-exclusion in the ACT, gambling counsellors and gambling venue staff, and involved interviews with participants and participatory research methods and was initiated immediately prior to the ACT Online Gambling Exclusion Scheme. The study provides a benchmark on which future evaluation of the new Online Exclusion Scheme can be a measured and provides a foundation of knowledge that will inform ongoing improvements to self-exclusion in the ACT.

The study finds that self-exclusion is an important and powerful way to help people regain control over problematic gambling habits. Study participants reported that gambling counselling services and support groups were of particular use to many participants with few supportive friends or family to rely on. However, the report also found that breach of self-exclusion was common and the rate of detection of self-excluded patrons inside venues was low. The report suggested that improved communication between stakeholders in the scheme would improve the durability of self-exclusion for patrons and venues alike.


Preventive Interventions for Problem Gambling: A Public Health Perspective

This study reviews the potential for prevention approaches to problem gambling taking inspiration from public health models of harm prevention. The study reviews three types of preventative intervention: universal prevention, which is targeted towards the whole population; selective prevention targeted towards those at increased risk of problems; and indicated prevention targeted at those already showing signs of problems. The report argues that, while the evidence base for a complete public health approach to problem gambling is not yet available, a public health framework is an appropriate and useful approach for problem gambling and provides a basis for a contemporary health promotion framework.


Informing Targeted Interventions for People with Gambling Problems in the ACT

The Australian National University (ANU) Centre for Gambling Research was commissioned by the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Gambling and Racing Commission to conduct a detailed study titled ‘Informing Targeted Interventions for People with Gambling Problems in the ACT’. The overarching aim of the study was to develop an evidence base to inform targeted interventions for people experiencing problems with gambling. The underlying tenet of the research approach was that single interventions are unlikely to be successful. An effective public health approach requires a co-ordinated, collaborative and integrated approach covering universal, selective and indicated interventions for gambling problems.

The findings from this report provide significant insight into the ways preventative interventions for problem gambling can be targeted using a public health approach. The findings suggest that interventions can be targeted and responsive to the experiences and understandings of people who are at risk of or experiencing gambling problems. A central component of targeted approaches is appropriately supporting partners and family members in the community. This report suggests that close family play the most significant role in assisting people to seek support and are critical to the success of strategies designed to control problematic gambling behaviour.


Additional reports:

Updated:  12 December 2022/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications