Gambling Support Study

Gambling Support Study
The ANU's Centre for Gambling Research is excited to be partnering with local service providers, Relationships Australia and Anglicare, on the Gambling Support Study funded by the NSW government.
The project is targeted at;
- understanding the experiences of partners (specifically women and female family members) of people experiencing significant harm from gambling,
- assessing the service needs of this group of people,
- developing a targeted digital infographic for support network use,
- improving understandings of how women experience indirect harms from a loved one’s gambling, and
- ultimately encouraging people who are experiencing harm from gambling to seek appropriate support.
For more information:
Vist the Facebook Project Page @Gambling Support Study
- Gambling Support Study: Understanding gambling harm experienced by female affected others (3.2 Mb PDF), March 2020
- Australia's gambling problem and its impact on women, Dr Megan Whitty and Dr Marisa Paterson, Policy Forum Pod. New research from the Centre for Gambling Research shows that the impact of gambling harm goes well beyond individual gamblers. So how are loved ones, particularly women, harmed by gambling behaviour?
- Experiencing Gambling Harm? You're not alone - Personal Harm
- Experiencing Gambling Harm? You're not alone - Financial Harm
- Experiencing Gambling Harm? You're not alone - Interpersonal Harm