FaCtS Study

FaCtS Study Information
What is this Research about?
The Australian National University is seeking partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to conduct research to find out what communities need to promote and improve safety for families. We want to partner and work with local organisations and community to make sure the research benefits the community.
The objectives of the study are to find out:
- What services and supports are available to people and families affected by violence, and how these services and supports are valued by people in the community.
- What communities think is needed to improve safety in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
- How violence affects relationships, health, wellbeing, education and employment.
- How much Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities are affected by violence.
The study team are seeking interest from Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander organisations in communities to be partners in the research.
Thinking about being involved?
Organisation and community involvement would mean:
- Setting up a local advisory group. The advisory group guides how the study should be conducted in each community, monitors progress and makes decisions about how to use the study findings to help the community.
- Running different parts of the research such as conducting surveys, interviews and focus groups, and recruiting participants.
Money will be provided to the organisation/community to do this work.
What are the different parts of the Research?
The different parts of the study include:
- Focus groups, interviews and surveys with community members (male and female).
- Finding out what services and supports are available to people and families affected by violence.
- Focus groups, interviews and surveys with service providers.
- Providing information from the study to make decisions about services, programs and direction for improving community safety in each community.
FaCtS Study Researchers
Who is involved in the Research?
This collaborative project is led by researchers from the Australian National University.
National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health (NCEPH)
- Professor Victoria Hovane (Ngarluma, Malgnin/Kitja, Gooniyandi)
- Professor Emily Banks
- Dr Raymond Lovett (Wongaibon, Ngiyampaa)
- Dr Jill Guthrie (Wiradjuri)
- Dr Bianca Calabria
- Dr Katherine Thurber
- Dr Anna Olsen
- Ms Shavaun Wells (Taungurong)
- Ms Minette Salmon (Yuin)
Centre for Social Research and Methods (CSRM)
This study is led Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The study is funded by the Department of Social Services.
How can I find out more?
Send us an email on facts.study@anu.edu.au or free call 1800 290 633.
To print information and contact details please download the FaCts Study Community Information Sheet.